Make an Appointment: | 410-929-6632
Please use the form on this page to send a message.
17 Warren Rd #3A Pikesville, MD 21208
Initial Intake Session- Length: 90 minutes Cost: $225
Initial & Ongoing Therapy Sessions- Length: 60 minutes Cost: $175
We offer a sliding scale fee for BIPOC members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Sliding fee scale ranges from $75 to $150. Slots are limited, please contact to determine availability.
We accept cash, check, health savings accounts & all major credit cards.
We accept Blue Cross Blue Shield and John Hopkins Employer Health Program only. We are out of network with other insurance providers.
17 Warren Rd #3A Pikesville, MD 21208 410-929-6632
Want to work with RISE? Sign up for supervision or Join F.L.O.U.R.I.S.H, our 8-week mind-body-spirit group!